links for 2007-02-09

  • “In five years, fifty percent of the content you watch on your high definition television will not be delivered by your cable or satellite provider but by a “youniverse” of publishing individuals connected to the Internet.”
  • One of our clients, Xansa, is reporting from NASSCOM India using Twitter, Flickr and blogs.
  • “Lewis PR’s resident blog expert, Drew Benvie, talks to PRWeek about the blogs all PROs need to know about and why keeping abreast with just some some of the ones that matter is time well spent.” argh!
  • “Florence Devourad, chairwoman of the Wikipedia Foundation, warned the audience this morning at LIFT that they need more funds to keep servers up and running.”

3 responses to “links for 2007-02-09

  1. Nice work on the podcast – but didn’t PR Week think to edit it? It’s not so much a podcast as a ‘recorded telephone interview’.

  2. I shall have to listen to this podcast, it’s still a learning curve for PR Week. Glad it brought you to my site, we obviously have many shared interests.

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